Walk the Butcher’s Path

Уровень: 2

Тип квеста: long

Локация: The Harbor

Набор заданий: бесплатно

Патрон: The Free Agents

Квестодатель: Mistress Ahura (показать на карте)

Польза: 4

Опыт: ♣632 ♦1148 ♥1244 ♠1339

Сложность: 0

Мобы и боссы: Kobold Warrior, Gray Ooze, kobold, Kobold Sneak, Kobold Shaman, Troglodyte Chief

Информация на английском: DDO Wiki

You have set foot on the infamous Butcher’s Path, a gauntlet that has inspired many grim tavern tales.
Mistress Ahura warned you away from a dangerous road through the sewers known as 'The Butchers Path', saying that it was beyond your abilities. If you wish to prove her wrong, seek the entrance in the Harbormaster's Plaza. Slay at least 80 monsters to clear the Butcher's Path Survive to reach the northwest exit of the Butcher's Path (Optional) Find the kobolds' hidden treasure (5% of base XP) (Optional) Defeat the kobold ambush - 7 total (5% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Vorag the Vengeful (15% of base XP) (Optional) Defeat the Shaman Prysass (20% of base XP) (Optional) Defeat the Troglodyte Champion (10% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Witch Doctor Kneeza (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Warlock Cyressy (25% of base XP)