The Sunken Sewer

Уровень: 2

Тип квеста: medium

Локация: The Harbor

Набор заданий: бесплатно

Патрон: The Coin Lords

Квестодатель: Aurla Courson (показать на карте)

Польза: 3

Опыт: ♣276 ♦496 ♥532 ♠568

Сложность: 0

Мобы и боссы: Kobold Thrower, Kobold Warrior, Brown Spider, Skeleton Warrior, Black Widow, Lesser Gray Ooze, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, Kobold Shaman, Kobold Sentry

Информация на английском: DDO Wiki

Somewhere in these depths, a would-be troglodyte champion has made his lair.
Seek out the dangerous troglodyte whom Aurla told you about, and end his life. Kill the Troglodyte Leader (Optional) Kill the brown prince Ruin (20% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Blight (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Warlock Slyssaris (20% of base XP)