The Smuggler’s Warehouse

Уровень: 2

Тип квеста: medium

Локация: The Harbor

Набор заданий: бесплатно

Патрон: The Free Agents

Квестодатель: Fitzpat the Fence (показать на карте)

Польза: 3

Опыт: ♣384 ♦694 ♥748 ♠802

Сложность: 0

Мобы и боссы: Kobold Thrower, Kobold Warrior, kobold, Brown Spider, Medium Monstrous Scorpion, Kobold Shaman, Kobold Sentry

Информация на английском: DDO Wiki

You suspect that Fitzpat the Fence was not quite honest about the dangers of this dim warehouse.
Fitzpat the Fence told you a story about smuggled gems stashed in a Kobold-ridden warehouse by the docks. Find the warehouse and retrieve the gems for Fitzpat. Obtain the 10 gems (Optional) Slay Witch Doctor Deezil (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Witch Doctor Chiku (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Witch Doctor Raktu (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Rancor (15% of base XP) (Optional) Slay Calamity (15% of base XP)