
Уровень: 2

Тип квеста: short

Локация: The Harbor

Набор заданий: бесплатно

Патрон: House Kundarak

Квестодатель: Kalimnal d’Kundarak (показать на карте)

Польза: 2

Опыт: ♣204 ♦364 ♥388 ♠412

Сложность: 0

Мобы и боссы: Medium Monstrous Scorpion

Информация на английском: DDO Wiki

House Kundarak runs the most powerful banks in Eberron. Success in this mission would bode well for your future.
Enter Eyegouger's basement and find the warder, Haverdasher, who was sent by House Kundarak to seal a precious object within a chest. Speak with the warder Kill all the scorpions (8 total) Tell Haverdasher it's clear and claim your reward