Bringing the Light

Уровень: 2

Тип квеста: short

Локация: The Harbor

Набор заданий: бесплатно

Патрон: The Silver Flame

Квестодатель: Brother Malden (показать на карте)

Польза: 2

Опыт: ♣168 ♦298 ♥316 ♠334

Сложность: 0

Мобы и боссы: Human Brigand, Dog

Информация на английском: DDO Wiki

The Church of the Silver Flame does not hesitate to execute its moral judgments with the sword.
Enter the illicit Gamblers' Den in the Harbor, near the Wayward Lobster tavern. Put a stop to the immoral behavior in there by destroying the gambling tables and their criminal guardians. Ruin at least 5 gambling tables Defeat the guards (Optional) Defeat the pit boss, Ramsay Morcort (30% of base XP) What to Expect Runes (optional: require DEX, INT or WIS checks)